Political Parties


The Australian Labor Party is a political party in the House of Representatives and the Senate, and has 78 seats in The House of Reps, and 26 seats in the Senate.Labor is currently in goverment and their leader is Anthony Albanese. Labour has many aims, including:

Labors believes that "all people are created equal in their entitlement to dignity and respect, and should have an equal chance to achieve their potential." They also believe that the government has a very important role in ensuring fairness by:

  • Guaranteeing equal oppurtunties for all.
  • Removing unjustifiable discrination.
  • Achieving a more even distribution of wealth, income and status.
  • To watch a video about this, just click here.


    The Liberal Party of Australia is a political party in The House of Representatives and the Senate, and they currently have 55 seats in House of Reps, and 31 seats in the Senate. Scott Morrison was the prime minister for Liberal until the 2022 election when Anthony Albanese, the Labor leader, was elected over Morrison, which led to the Liberal party making the executive decision to switch leaders from Scott to Peter Dutton, who remains as the opposition leader

    Some aims for the Liberal party are:

  • To build more coal mines and nuclear power plants so that Australia has cheaper energy and does not use renewable energy.
  • The freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.
  • The importance of the family and the role of law and justice.
  • To make a just and humane society in Australia, in which the importance of the family and the role of law and justice is maintained.
  • Ensuring that our nation has a constructive role to play in maintaining world peace and democracy through alliance with other free nations.
  • A few beliefs that the liberal party of Australia has are:
  • Enouraging and facilitating wealth so that everyone can enjoy the nighest possible standards of living, health, education and social justice.
  • To preserve Australia's natural beauty and the environment for future generations.
  • Katter's Australia Party

    Katter's Australia Party is an Australian political party that has 1 seat in The House of Representatives. Some of the aims include:

  • Giving all Australians a fair go.
  • Putting Australia’s interests first – “protect and enhance both the social and economic fabric of the Australian people.”
  • Making sure regional and rural Australia gets its fair share. They believe that capital cities get more than their fair share.
  • Supporting those of genuine need. “This does not absolve people of the need to support themselves, wherever that is possible.”
  • Encouraging the development of every person’s talents and skills, “nurtures individual initiative.”
  • To watch a video about how political parties work, just click here.

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          it has a large head with long sharp teeth The head and torso of a dinosaur skeleton;
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